TIA toolbox

About TIA toolbox

Explore the capabilities of our Synelecs TIA toolbox, designed to streamline engineering workflows for Siemens TIA projects (Siemens Totally Integrated Automation). Experience a substantial reduction in engineering time for TIA project configuration tasks through our innovative software automation.

Unlock customization, integration, and automation scripting capabilities to shorten development time and drive innovation. Backed by Synelecs' support and updates, TIA toolbox guarantees sustained compatibility with advancing automation software, positioning it as an invaluable tool for efficient and flexible control system development.


Gain the upper hand with our solution. Automate and script a range of tasks, minimizing manual effort and guaranteeing consistency across your automation projects. Accelerate the development of TIA automation projects by automating repetitive tasks and employing standardized components, ultimately slashing time-to-market for new products and systems.

Data Access

TIA toolbox offers the capability to read and write various TIA objects, including Projects, Devices, Datablocks, Tags, and more.

Data Exchange

TIA toolbox facilitates the seamless export and import of TIA objects in and out of various formats

Project Management

Effortlessly create, modify, and manage TIA Portal projects with streamlined operations.


TIA toolbox workflow - from customers data to TIA project configuration.

  • Customer supplies configuration data, usually in Excel format
  • Tia toolbox checks them for common errors and data integrity
  • Tia toolbox exports the data to TIA portal, the project is modified by TIA toolbox
  • TIA toolbox invokes the project compiler and checks for compile errors
  • Tia toolbox saves the project in TIA portal

Data Access

TIA toolbox offers the capability to read and write various TIA objects, including Projects, Devices, Datablocks, Tags, and more.

  • Our software enables the program block inputs and outputs to be interconnected programmatically, providing a seamless integration experience.
  • TIA toolbox efficiently transfers configuration data to the TIA Portal and compiles it with the TIA compiler, undergoing thorough checks for compiler errors.
  • Experience the convenience of automating the entire workflow as a single operation, streamlining your processes and enhancing efficiency.

Data Exchange

TIA toolbox facilitates the seamless export and import of TIA objects in and out of various formats

  • Microsoft Excel
  • TIA formats such as XML, AWL,SCL
  • From your own databases (on request)

Project Management

Effortlessly create, modify, and manage TIA Portal projects with streamlined operations.

  • TIA toolbox automates the opening, compiling, and saving of projects, ensuring efficiency and accuracy.
  • All actions are logged in the application log, providing a comprehensive record of project activities.
  • Explore project changes easily through the Project History log.

Benefits for Managers

Leverage the TIA toolbox to enhance your organization in multiple ways:

  • Quality Assurance: Ensure the integrity of configuration changes with automated project compilation.
  • Efficiency Gains: Replace repetitive manual engineering tasks with automated processes.
  • Cost Savings: Minimize engineering expenses, bolstering your competitive bidding position in the market.
